Valorant all Agent abilities time guide

Valorant all Agent abilities time guide

- 11 mins

Table of contents:

What ?

It’s so annoying that Valorant doesn’t have all the details about an ability listed in the Agent Abilities page. They do not even maintain a ‘reference’ page, so to say. I couldn’t find an updated collection of the time/duration for all the agent abilites - neither official nor a community one. So here’s one by me.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a 100% certain on these yet. I’ll remove this disclaimer when I’m absolutely certain about these and will keep the post updated.

Updated for Patch 5.12; Released on: 2022-06-12


Stars are now inactive when placed during the buy phase until 1.4s after the barriers drop. Total stars: 4. Retrieval cooldown: 25s

  1. NOVA PULSE (Concussion)
    • Cooldown: 45s
  2. NEBULA (Smoke)
    • Duration: 15s
    • Cooldown: 25s
    • Pro tip: if you recall a star, you get a smoke for 1s
  3. GRAVITY WELL (Gravity/Suck)
    • Duration: 4s
    • Duration of Vulnerability:
    • Cooldown: 45s
    • Duration: 20s


  1. FLASHPOINT (Flash)
    • Enemies flashed for 2s; ugh.
  2. FAULTLINE (Concussion)
    • Time to full charge: 1s
    • Stun duration: 3.5s
    • Cooldown: 40s
    • Duration: 2.5s
  4. ROLLING THUNDER (Ultimate)
    • Lasts for 6s; but who cares about the time here? Starts 8m after Breach
    • Stun duration: 5s


  1. INCENDIARY (Molly)
    • Duration: 8s
    • Damage Per Second aka DPS: 60/s (Friendly: 20/s)
  2. SKY SMOKE (Smoke)
    • Deployment time: 1s
    • Duration: 19.25s
    • Smoke deploy radius: 5500
  3. STIM BEACON (???)
    • Duration: 12s
    • Fire rate increase: 15%
    • Movement speed increase: 15%
  4. ORBITAL STRIKE (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 2s + 3s


  1. HEADHUNTER (Deagle)
    • Scoped deagle/sheriff
    • Duration: 8 bullets max; 4 in Spike Rush (Each bullet costs 150 creds)
    • Damage: 159 Head, 55 Body, 46 Legs
    • HP: 50
    • Recall cooldown: 30s
    • Base cooldown: 30s
    • Destroy cooldown: Destruction remains permanent for the round
    • Diameter of the circle: 13m
  3. TRADEMARK (Bot?)
    • HP: 20
    • Slow duration: 4s
    • Recall cooldown: 30s
    • Destroy cooldown: Destruction remains permanent for the round
  4. TOUR DE FORCE (Awp)
    • Sniper that slows nearby enemies and one shots even legs. Patch 5.03 killed this. Leg damage: 0.85x
    • Duration: 5 bullets max
    • Slow duration: 4s


  1. CYBER CAGE (Smoke)
    • Recall cooldown: Can only be picked up during buytime - Instant
    • Duration: 7s
  2. SPYCAM (Cam)
    • Recall cooldown: Instant during buytime; 15s mid-round
    • Destroy cooldown: 45s
  3. TRAPWIRE (Trip)
    • HP: 20
    • Recall cooldown: Instant
  4. NEURAL THEFT (Ultimate)
    • Reveals enemies two times. There is a four second delay between the reveals


  1. Seize (???)
    • Radius:
    • Duration: Until it hits the ground ; MB1 to drop it earlier
    • Deafens and decays by 75hp (restored over 5s)
    • Duration: 4.5 s
  2. Haunt (Recon)
    • Duration: 2s ; MB1 to drop it earlier
    • Trail duration: 12s
    • Cooldown: 40s
  3. Prowler (Dog)
    • HP: 60
    • Duration: 2.5s
    • Blind duration: 2.75s
    • Hold MB1 to steer it
    • Will chase the enemies/trail
  4. Nightfall (Ultimate)
    • Trail duration: 12s
    • Deafens and decays by 75hp (restored over 12s)


  1. COVE
    • HP: 500
    • Duration: 15s or 1s after broken
    • Wall control duration: 2s
    • Duration: 15s
    • Cooldown: 40s
    • Duration: 7s
  4. RECKONING (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 9s
    • Stun duration: 2s


  2. TAILWIND (Dash)
    • After .75 second delay, activates a 12-second window where she’s able to dash
    • Get 2 kills to get another dash
    • Pro tip: You can break Cypher trap-wires with Jett's Dash Patch 3.0 killed this
  3. CLOUDBURST (Smoke)
    • Duration: 4.5s
  4. BLADE STORM (Ultimate/Knives)
    • 5 Knives; Every kill restores the number of knives to 5
    • Time between consecutive Burst Fire: 0.45s (Not like it matters, you're not Korean Jett)

      Patch 3.06 killed this. Burst fire uses up all knives and no knives are restored upon a kill

    • Base damage:
    • Leg damage: 0.85x
    • Duration: Until all the knives are used


  1. FLASH/drive
    • Enemies flashed for: Left click - 2.25s & Right click - 1.25s
  2. ZERO/point (Knife)
    • HP: 20
    • Suppress duration: 8s
    • Cooldown: 40s
  3. FRAG/ment (Molly)
    • Duration: 4s
    • Diameter: 8m
  4. NULL/cmd (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 12s
    • Suppression duration per pulse: 4s
    • +15% Fire rate
    • KAY/O HP if killed while Ultimate is active: 850
    • Can be revived within 15s
    • Revive duration: 4.5s
    • Enemies hear a short audio cue when the revive has started


    • Recall cooldown: Instant during buytime; 20s mid-round
    • Duration of Vulnerability: 4s
    • Recall cooldown: Instant during buytime; 20s mid-round
    • Destroy cooldown: 45s
    • HP: 125
    • DMG: 11/burst and slows the enemy by 29.5%
  3. NANOSWARM (Molly)
    • HP: 20
    • Recall cooldown: Instant during buytime
    • Duration: 5s
    • DPS: 45/s (Friendly: 15/s)
  4. LOCKDOWN (Ultimate)
    • HP: 200
    • Lockdown activated in: 15s
    • Detain Duration: 8s


  1. RELAY BOLT (Stun)
    • Duration of stun: 3s
    • Radius of the stun: 20m
    • Pro tip: The stuns fall down, so you can get some amazing lineups with these. Search on youtube/reddit for Neon lineups
  2. HIGH GEAR (Sprint)
    • Consumes energy
    • Slide: Right Click to Slide
    • Duration: 10s
    • Duration to restore energy bar from 0-100: 60s
    • Pro tip: You can pick up guns while sliding
    • Pro tip 2: Shift Sprint is stupid. You don’t walk faster and you keep draining energy. Don’t do it.
    • Pro tip 3: The real mvp who examined the slide mechanics in detail
    • Pro tip 4: Patch 4.08 made a lot of changes to the sprint making it easier and more versatile to use
    • Get 2 kills to get another Slide
  3. FAST LANE (Walls)
    • Duration: 6s
    • DPS: 45/s (Friendly: 15/s)
    • DPS: 30/s (Friendly: 10/s)
    • Patch 4.08 removed Wall damage
  4. OVERDRIVE (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 20s. Every kill fills up 4 bars of energy
    • Base damage: 18 per bullet
    • Head damage: 3x
    • Leg damage: 0.85x
    • Pro tip: You need 40 bullets? to break the sage wall - it’s super quick


  1. PARANOIA (Flash)
    • Enemies flashed(near-sighted) for 2.5s
  2. DARK COVER (Smoke)
    • Smoke duration: 15s
    • Cooldown: 30s
    • Smoke projectile speed: 4000 2800 6400
  3. SHROUDED STEP (Teleport/TP)
    • Pre-teleport delay: 0.7s
  4. FROM THE SHADOWS (Ultimate)
    • Can cancel within: 2.5s


  1. CURVEBALL (Flash)
    • Enemies flashed for 1.5s
  2. HOT HANDS (Molly)
    • Duration: 4s
    • DPS: 60/s (Friendly: 20/s)
    • Self heal: 12.5/s (Precisely: 1 every 0.08s); Total heal: 50hp
    • Get 2 kills to get another molly
  3. BLAZE (Wall)
    • Duration: 8s
    • DPS: 30/s (Friendly: 10/s)
    • Self heal: 6.25HP/s (Precisely: 1HP every 0.16s); Total heal: 50HP
  4. RUN IT BACK (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 10s
    • When it finishes, Phoenix is back to 100HP and the gun is automatically reloaded


  1. BLAST PACK (Satchel)
    • HP: 20
    • Duration: 5s
    • Damage to objects: 600 (including sage walls)
  2. PAINT SHELLS (Nade)
    • Duration: 2s + sub-munitions explode after dropping on the ground
    • Get 2 kills to get another nade
  3. BOOM BOT (bomb buddy?)
    • HP: 60
    • Duration: 10s
    • Max damage: 80
    • Min damage: 30
  4. SHOWSTOPPER (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 10s; Equip Time: 1.4s


  1. DEVOUR (Heal)
    • Duration: 3s
  2. DISMISS (Invincible / Invulnerable if EMPRESS is active)
    • Duration: 2s
  3. LEER (Flash)
    • HP: 100
    • Enemies flashed for 2s unless destroyed
    • No range restriction
  4. EMPRESS (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 30s. Every kill resets the duration (Fire rate increases by 15%)


  1. SLOW ORB (Slow)
    • Duration: 7s
    • Pro tip: Walking through the slow orb doesn’t make sound
  2. HEALING ORB (Heal)
    • Healing teammates: 100HP/5s
    • Self heal: 30HP/10s
    • Cooldown: 45s
  3. BARRIER ORB (Wall)
    • 400 HP for the first 3.3s; Fortified to 800 HP after that; Lasts a total of 30s
    • Range: 10m
  4. RESURRECTION (Ultimate/Rez/Rebibe)


  1. TRAILBLAZER (Tiger/Wolf/Dog/whatever)
    • HP: 100
    • Duration: 5s
    • Stun duration: 4s
  2. GUIDING LIGHT (Flash)
    • HP: INF - cannot be destroyed
    • Time until it becomes a dud: 2.5s
    • Enemies flashed for: Min - 1s; Max - 2.25s
    • Gives a distinct sound and yells “Blinded” when an enemy is blinded by the flash. ugh.
    • Cooldown: 40s
  3. REGROWTH (Heal)
    • Total heal: 100hp
    • Heal: 20hp/s
  4. SEEKERS (Ultimate/Cabbages)
    • HP: 150
    • Duration: 15s
    • Enemies flashed(near-sighted) for 3s


  1. SHOCK BOLT (???)
    • Max damage: 75
  2. RECON BOLT (Arrow/Dart)
    • HP: 20
    • Cooldown: 40s
    • Duration: 2 pings; 1st ping after 1.6s, 2nd ping after 1.2s
  3. OWL DRONE (Drone)
    • Duration: 7s
    • HP: 100
  4. HUNTER’S FURY (Ultimate)
    • Duration: 6.5s (3 shots max)
    • Damager Per Shot:


  1. POISON CLOUD (Smoke)
    • Cooldown (after pick-up): Can be immediately redeployed after picking up
    • Cooldown after deactivation: 8s
    • Fuel usage: 6.67fuel/s (Precisely: 1 every 0.15s); Total fuel: 100
    • If active when Viper dies, Poison Cloud now remains up for an additional 2 seconds, or until Viper runs out of fuel
    • Decay: Instant decay of 30hp; 10hp/s after (Patch 2.09)
    • Health regen after: 1.5s
    • Health regen rate: 25hp/s
    • Pro tip: throw your smoke, go into the smoke, crouch and get ready to peek an angle, and then deactivate the smoke. You get about half a second of advantage in peeking!
  2. TOXIC SCREEN (Wall)
    • Cooldown after deactivation: 8s
    • Fuel usage: 6.67fuel/s (Precisely: 1 every 0.15s); Total fuel: 100
    • If active when Viper dies, Toxic Screen now remains up for an additional 2 seconds before deactivating
    • Decay: Instant decay of 30hp; 10hp/s after (Patch 2.09)
    • Health regen after: 1.5s
    • Health regen rate: 25hp/s
  3. SNAKE BITE (Molly)
    • Duration: 5.5s
    • Duration of Vulnerability after leaving the molly: <UNKNOWN>
    • DPS: 24/s (Friendly: 8/s) + Vulnerable
  4. VIPER’S PIT (Ultimate)
    • Duration (full activation): 5s
    • Duration (reactivation): 25s
    • Decay: Instant decay of 30hp; 10hp/s after. (Patch 2.09)
    • Health regen starts 1.5s after leaving the poison
    • Duration you can stay outside the pit: 8s
    • Health regen after: 1.5s
    • Health regen rate: 25hp/s


  1. BLINDSIDE (Flash)
    • Enemies flashed for 1.75s
  2. GATECRASH (Teleport/TP)
    • HP: 60
    • Charges: 2
    • Get 2 kills to get another Gatecrash
    • Duration: 30s unless it is destroyed
  3. FAKEOUT (Footsteps/Fake steps/Decoy)
    • Duration: 10s
    • Decoy HP: 150
    • Duration: 12s


Something about the spike timings

Some more spike tips:

zzz Random info zzz

  1. Tips:
    • Press left Alt to see your allies abilities. Next time before you yell, “heal me sage, wtf are you doing!”, just calmly check if she has a heal available before going cyka blyat.
    • Valorant likes to randomly erase your settings after game updates. Screenshot them so you don’t lose them. I’ve lost mine 4 times already.
  2. Valorant server IP addresses:
    • Mumbai:
    • SEA:
  3. Error codes and how to fix them:
    • Error code VAN -81

      Check if the service vgc is turned off. If so, turn it on and restart computer.

  4. Agent Trivia:


* <- golden source
* Reddit and Instagram posts
* A few hours of custom games

PS: It’s your choice if you want to Trust it!

Aman Goyal

Aman Goyal

A Man who never has enough time